Sunday, May 10, 2009

Still Struggling

Although I have commented relatively frequently on other people's blogs or quakerquaker posts, I have not posted a blog here for quite a while.

A Cloud of darkness still remains that is created by barriers that truthfully are beyond my control. I still find the presence of an ocean of light in most of my life. My family and current friends continue to provide a great deal of support but are unable, through no fault of theirs, to penetrate the darkness. I have known periods of darkness that seem to be internal and have been identified as minor bouts of depression, but this experience is much different. The beginnings looked like the cloud of darkness might overtake me, but through the trust and help of fFriends and especially family (with a great deal of support and love from my "better half," and that is not just an idle comment) I am clearly able to maintain connection with love, trust, and hope.

I have been working on taking down barriers and making openings for the Light and the Word, but this has still not been able to break through into "that" corner of my life. It apparently will be several months before any resolution of this darkness can be accomplished.

I regret the vagueness and obscurity of this post but I am unable to be any clearer due to unavoidable restraints placed on my comments. It is my intent to share much more when I am able. I trust that when the time comes any one who has had communication with me and continues to communicate with me will understand.

I have no true comprehension of the reason for posting this but I felt led to do so.

Forgive me my trespasses.

In Peace and Friendship,
